Fractional Chief Product Officer

Helping you build solutions that effortlessly compel your customers

As a fractional CPO, I help teams in their early and strategic product efforts. These include the development of new products, productization of technology, and enhancing existing products so they better resonate with customers.

I will help your organization by bringing decades of experience leading cross-functional teams in the invention, design, build and launch of new products.

My approach is what I call, Aspiration Product Design. It is a very deliberate way of creating solutions which instantly and effortlessly resonate with customers. This is accomplished by uncovering aspirational wants and combining with functional requirements. This results in solutions that go beyond just being effective, and creates products that are loved by users.

What Is Your Need

  • You have a great technology, and need help turning it into an easy to use and high-value product

  • Increase the perceived relevance of your product

  • Create product differentiation which truly matters to your customers

  • Increase the desirability and adoption rate of your product

  • Define a clear and simple product strategy that the entire company can align around

How I Can Help

Depending our your situation and needs, I can provide any of the deliverables in the pipeline below. Note that this is not an all inclusive list. Each step and associated deliverable will have its own value which you can leverage whether or not you use me for subsequent steps.

  1. Stakeholder interviews - if team alignment a goal

  2. Customer interviews - unlock understanding of aspirations, desired self image and frustrations

  3. Propose strategies

  4. Identify key requirements, scenarios and workflows to focus product (marketing, sales?) efforts on

  5. Identify product capabilities to provide

  6. Collaborate with your team on design and build of proposed solution

If desired, I can collaborate with your team on any of the remaining steps that lead up to and include launch.

Why A Fractional CPO

Strategic product leadership is critical to providing context and clarity to tactical product efforts. Without it, those tactical efforts will likely be unfocused and ineffectual.

Many companies don’t want or can’t afford a full-time CPO. That’s where a fractional CPO comes in.

As a fractional CPO, I will become familiar with your company, market and customers. I do work for you on an as-need-basis, and I am paid a daily rate for the project work that I do. And there is no longterm commitment for you.

Reach out to me if you would like to learn more about how I may help your strategic product efforts. Either email me, or schedule time in my calendar. I look forward to hearing from you.